
MALYAGIRI MAHOTSABA PALLAHARA 2021 preparatory meeting.

Pallahara- The 2nd preparatory meeting of Malyagiri mahotsaba pallahara 2021 held on today at the election conting hall. The members of 12 nos of committee formed last year attend the meeting and share their experiences and ideas to make the programme grand success.

The local MLA,Pallahara Mr Mukesh Kumar pal preside the meeting and all the government office bearer presents in this occasion. MLA Mr Pal thanks the members for last year cooperation and urged all to act together to make this mahotsaba grand success. MLA nominee Mr Narendra Bhukta, block chairperson Mr Nabakishore Naik, ABDO S.Lalatendu Naibedya, Asst. Engineer PWD Akshaya Sahu and all executives members of mahotsaba committee were presented in this meeting.