
Lecture Programme was Held at Kakojan College, Jorhat on the Topic " Marginalized Voices " who will Listen?

JORHAT.Kakojan College is a premier higher educational institution located in Jorhat District of Assam. Since its inception in 1967 the college has already marched a long way in the field of higher learning.

The college is affiliated to Dibrugarh University, recognized by UGC and न by NAAC. The English Study and Literary Forum of the Department of English of the institution organized a popular talk on 19th February, 2021 in the college campus. The program was chaired by Dr. Pankaj Goswami who is the Head of the Department.

Discussing on the topic "Marginalized Voices" who will Listen? Dr. Kamal Kumar Tanti, an eminent poet, translator, academician and recipient of prestigious Sahitya Akademi Yuva Puraskar during 2012 stated that 
"Marginalised voices --- Who will hear? We need to listen to the marginalized voices. Marginality is generally applied to interpret sociocultural, political and economic spheres where underprivileged people struggle to gain access to resources and equal participation in social life.

The marginality is structured within the framework of power. It has four layers such as economic, social, political and cultural. "

The programme formally started with the welcome speech by Dr. Hasnahana Gogoi, Assistant Professor of the department. Amid the attendance of a large number of students and teachers from various departments, the General Secretary of Kakojan College Students' Union, Nirutpol Boruah recited a poem written by the poet Dr. Kamal Kumar Tanti. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Sikhamoni Gogoi, Assistant Professor of the department. Retired Vice Principal and founder head of the department, Debo Kumar Mahanta, Vice Principal, Dr Bijay Lakshmi Neog, Academic Vice Principal, Mridul Gogoi, political analyst cum academician, Bhairabanan Borah and a group of teachers and students attended the program.