
Prayer to the government and the fellow countrymen to take responsibility for to give back to a poor lonely mother her healthy baby

The desperate plea of ​​a poor distressed mother named Jahanara Bibi came to my attention.
I found her plea touching and heartbreaking.
Jahanara's two-year-old daughter is extremely ill and cannot speak well and cannot see well.
It is not innate to the child.
Jahanara can't go to the hospital regularly because she is a lonely person, she has to do some work to make ends meet for hunger pangs to her and to her daughter.

She went to various government and private institutions for help.
Everyone did their duty with a little financial help.
Jahanara Bibi wants her child's medical responsibility to fall on some strong shoulders.
I tried to spread this written application of her to the countrymen.

There is none but this one child of the Mother.

I am praying for the government and the good citizens of the country if somehow a stronger force will take responsibility for healing the child,
then a lonely poor mother gets her baby back healthy.
Who can say that this kid may shine the face of India in the future ?

Details of the Mother
Jahanara Bibi
W/O Rahidul Shikari
Sarat Dutta Road, Joynagar Mazilpur (M)
Joynagar Mozilpur
Jaynagar-I, South 24 Pargans, Pin-743337
Name of ill daughter Rahima Shikari
Mobile - 9092305195
