
Street Play Performed by Red Ribbon Club of Borholla College, Jorhat, Assam

Jorhat: The Red Ribbon Club of Borholla College, Jorhat, Assam performed Street Play on 29th & 30th September this month with the theme of awareness for HIV/AIDS and STI among the students and youths. The whole program was designed by the Nodal Officer of the RRC with the active participation of the NSS Unit of the college. The script of the street play was composed by Sri Nabajyoti Neog a student of the Fifth Semester Classes of the institution and enacted by the students and members of the RRC. According to Mr. Amal Sonowal, Assistant Professor in English and Nodal Officer of RRC the whole program was a part of the two-month Intensified IEC Campaign launched by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) on August 12 this year on the occasion of International Youth Day. The objective of this campaign is to enhance knowledge and understanding of HIV & STI, promote safe practices, reduce stigma and create demand for HIV/STI services among the students and youths. He also informed that all the active instructions as well as financial help was provided by the Assam State AIDS Control Society, Guwahati. The general public who witnessed the street play in several prime locations of entire Borholla area appreciated the initiative of Assam State AIDS Control Society and Red Ribbon Club of the institution.