
65th Birthday of yogaguru Gopinathji celebrated

Yogaguru Sriman Gopinath Swain 's 65th Birthday celebrated by budhadeb district of bharatiya yoga sanstha.

On 18th July 2024 , the 65th Birthday of Yogaguru Sri Gopinath Swain was celebrated in the Sahayog Park of Sailasreevihar Bhubaneswar by the sadhak and sadhikas of the Budhadeb District of Bharatiya Yogasanstha. On the auspicious day after the regular yoga and pranayam practice by the members, bedadwani was chanted by all members praying God for a happy and healthy life of Sri Swain. This followed showering of flowers , presentation of Angabastra and cutting of cake . It is to note the budhadeb district wing of Bharatiya Yoga Sanstha has-been regularly organizing Yoga camps in various areas of bhubaneswar and adjacent areas for spreading the message of importance of yoga practice for a healthy and happy life. In addition they also organize programmes for various groups of the society.