
only sad rumar of lamentation

A large area of ​​North Bengal's Mainaguri was vandalized in a few minutes of Sunday's rampage. Although it is relatively ephemeral, it is not the same as ephemeris, at least that is the opinion of scientists. On that day the cloud level had come down so low, which is not usually the case in Kalvaishakhi.

While it is possible to predict storms like Kalbaisakhi in advance, it may not be possible to predict storms like tornadoes in advance. So this storm suddenly made its appearance in the country and abroad.

The Chief Minister of the state flew to Jalpaiguri in a special plane on Sunday night and interacted with the victims. Special measures have also been taken by the administration.

Abhishek Banerjee, leader of the ruling party's all-India party, visited hospitals along with the affected areas. Requested the administration to ensure that all the services are properly provided to the needy, including inquiry.

Meanwhile, the state governor and the opposition leader of the state have also arrived in the affected areas. He supervised there, and drew the attention of all including the administration to ensure that the victims get their relief properly