
Health Awareness and Voluntary Blood Donation Camp at Borholla College.

In line with Government of India's initiative "Ayushman Bhava", Borholla College, one of the leading higher educational institution of Jorhat District, Assam has organized a voluntary Blood Donation Camp and Health Awareness Camp on 5th October, 2023. The IQAC Cell and NSS Unit of the institution organized the program in association with Titabar Block PHC and Jorhat Medical College and Hospital Blood Centre. Dr. Sashidhar Phukan, the Joint Director of Health and Family Welfare attended the program and expresses his satisfaction and gratitude for the initiative put forward by the institution with the noble cause. About twenty donors including students and staff of the institution contributed blood voluntarily to the Blood Bank located at Jorhat Medical College and Hospital premises. Md. Nawab Sadulla from the Blood centre appreciates the enthusiasm showed by the students of the institution to donate blood for the emergency causes. Mr. Manab Jyoti Gogoi from the Titabar Block PHC expresses that besides the male students more than ten nos of female students also came forward to donate blood voluntarily. But because of the low level of haemoglobin in the girl students blood couldn't be collected from them. He advised the organizers to send the girl students to nearest Primary Health Centre at Borholla for further initiative in connection with anemia and other related issues. Mr. Simanta Borah an Assistant Professor from the Department of Geography of the institution who was the first donor of the program expresses his satisfaction seeing the enthusiasm of the students for the noble cause. He told that he donated with the intention to encourage the students who are at the early stages of teenage. Dr. Rana Bora, the IQAC Coordinator of the institution expressed his thanks and gratitude for all kind of help and cooperation provided by the different wings who are closely related with the program. Mr. Marajul Hussain Bordoloi the NSS Coordinator of the institution offer his thanks for the all-round cooperation provided by the NSS members and other students in and out side of the blood collection centre, registration process etc.